Donate through Canada Helps

You can make a monthly or one-time donation through the CanadaHelps charity page by clicking the "Donate Now" button. The Miramichi SPCA is a registered charity. You will be issued a charitable tax receipt and it gives you the option to donate in the name/memory of a loved one.

Donate Now Through!

Donate through PayPal

You can make a one-time donation through our PayPal Giving Fund page which charges no fees and will issue you a charitable tax receipt.

You can also make a monthly or one-time donation easily through PayPal by clicking the "Donate " button. A charitable tax receipt will not be issued through this method. For donations of $10 or more, you may contact us to be mailed a tax receipt.

Donate by E-transfer

Donations can be sent to
Donations of $10 or more are eligible for a tax receipt. Please include your name & address in the memo and we will mail you the tax receipt.